Thursday, January 28, 2016

Anti-Aging is not about vanity.

Anti-Aging. It's been on my mind lately. What does it mean? What does it look like? Is it a selfish act?

It's assumed that some people interested (maybe consumed) in it, must fear getting old. Right? or maybe they must be one of those really shallow people that put a high value on looks.......
And if others scoff at the anti-aging products, they must be one of those, "I'm not afraid of wrinkles I'll just age gracefully, thank you very much" kind of people.

That's not how we should look at it. It's not one extreme or the other.
It's about being the best you can be as long as you can be.

Exercise for instance - some do it to improve their looks, and gain a very shapely figure. And that's okay. But a lot of us do it so we can simply keep moving and using our bodies. This is what I'm talking about. A functioning body can accomplish a whole lot more than a non-functioning body.

Anti-aging products can keep us functioning longer than normal in this toxic, overloaded world. We have radiation coming from our phones/computers/tablets; GMOs, chemicals and pesticides in our foods; poor air quality; chemicals in our deodorants, shampoos, lotions, and make up. It's an uphill battle folks. :)

Several years ago I learned that these things DO hurt us and CAN be eliminated or reduced.

But here's something you may not know: Mental decline happens 30-40 years BEFORE symptoms show themselves. That means that an elderly person showing signs of dementia had something happen to their brain in their 30s or 40s. A time of life when we are not thinking about our brain health necessarily. We just assume we are at the top of our game and our battle is simply with belly fat, gravity, and ever sagging eyelids. (ahem. I digress)
(I was in a conference listening to Dr. Amen - a leading brain health doctor and this is where I'm getting this information from. Feel free to research him and his studies further.)

God has called you to mighty works!! And your greatest work may not happen in your teens and 20's. (gasp!!) :) We need to take care of ourselves to  fully live out our purpose!
I'm completely inspired by 80yr olds finishing college, 95 year olds competing in swim meets and 72 year olds finishing triathlons. (these are all real examples) Which also means that if you are in  your 50's or beyond.... it's not too late! Take charge of your brain health now! Some have REVERSED signs of aging with brain supplements!
God DOES want you to do your part. He DOES want you to take charge over your health and NOT eat a bunch of junk and be lazy. Use all the tools in your hands. Can you imagine someone that exercised just their legs and never their arms? That would be silly. Well, it's just as crazy to not take care of your brain.

I eat pretty healthy. I'm nowhere near perfect, but I attempt healthy organic foods and avoid a LOT of junk.
I take care of my face.
And my teeth - I brush them not because I'm vain, but because I am taking care of what God gave me.  (And I like having the ability to chew food.) haha
I'm learning to exercise regularly.
And I am taking care of my brain. Because I can. Nerium has been developing a supplement for over 20 YEARS - and has discovered how to keep brain function optimal, and keep the PP2A connectors firing (this will help keep dementia at bay people). It also increases energy, immunity, and mental recall and clarity. Who doesn't need that?!? People giving it to kids with attention or learning problems are seeing HUGE changes. It has ZERO interactions with prescriptions and no negative side effects. It's natural and not a drug. (if you would like to check it out or contact me, please do - ) I'm excited about this! I get excited about stuff like non-floridated toothpaste, and lotions without parabens! This is good stuff!

This is my personal blog space not a sales pitch - I talk about things that things I'm passionate about. And health is one of those things I'm passionate about. You don't have to buy Nerium's EHT brain health pill. I'm just letting you know what's available to you that ACTUALLY works, and I am hoping you look at anti-aging as something we can do in multiple ways, not because we want to hang on to our youth or looks as long as possible, but because we have a calling on our lives and we need to be as strong and healthy as we can be for as long as possible!

Go grab life by the horns!
And by all means, share what you do to keep yourself vibrant and healthy in the comments below. This is not a competition, but a shared race among us ~