Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ugh! I'm a wuss...

Okay - I could actually write a thesis on this topic - but it is a blog. Therefore, all of my reasoning and beliefs and research will not be included. That being said: I did a dumb thing today.

I used to be the woman to go to the doctor and get kids vaccinated because that is what American women DO. Not anymore. So... my first two kids had all their shots. My second two kids have had "some". (and even those I wish I would've had more 'balls' to tell the Dr. 'no'.)

Anyway.... my four year old - one who had all her shots as a baby - had her 4 year old check up today. She 'needed' her Hep B shot - and future Kindergarten shots. I said no to the kindergarten shots today, but somehow - and this part gets fuzzy - I allowed her to get the Hep B.

This is most annoying to me, because - I think the Heb B shot is useless for babies and children. It was originally made for druggies and prostitutes......
Our babies and 4 year olds just don't need this particular shot. And I gave it.

This is my loathing and venting for the day...... agree or not I feel I did a dumb thing, and I'm mad I wussed out at telling the Dr. 'no'.


  1. I understand how you feel, Tara. It's going to be ok. I agree with you totally on vaccines. My children have affidavits in order to avoid vaccines. It's hard for me to say no too so I got the affidavits - you have to listen to a lecture each time you visit the pedi. Not sure if CO offers anything like that but you could check into it for future events.

  2. I think you should post your "reasoning, beliefs, and research" so others can make an educated choice for their kids. I've only heard the peds side of it. What is the reason for not getting them? Blogging the pros and cons is something I'd read:)

    (just my two cents)
    How are you btw? Well, aside from your current frustrations. You sound busy but happy!

  3. How about a pediatrician who won't push them?? I'm having a hard time finding one in VA.
