Thursday, October 1, 2009

Where did the cooties go???

My son.... ah, the tender age of six.

He came home last week and when I asked what he did at school that day, he informed me that he and his best friend Henry chased a girl, Presley, around the playground during recess. Mmmm... if that doesn't make you proud of sending your child to school - what does??? That was the highlight of the day apparently.

Yesterday I got a nice update from the boy. He got into the van quite excitedly in the carpool lane saying he had news to announce. Again, I being the silly mama, thought it might, just might be about something scholastic. Wrong again.

Presley announced to Alex and Henry that she is in love with them. I asked Alex what he thought about that - crazy, great, not good... etc. He told me that he thought it was nice. I agreed, saying that it is nice when people love us. That is when he told me that he told her that he loves her too. What??? What happened to boys and girls having cooties??? Six year olds - in "love" really???

On one hand I love not hearing how girls are gross - but this was unexpected so soon too. Boy! Looking forward to the rest of the school year! yee haw

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