Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Would you go?

I watched the Sound of Music this last weekend and it made me think of some things I had never actually thought much about before.

They (the VonTrapps) had a very comfortable lifestyle.

They were quite well to do. When we seeing people fleeing a country, it is often the poor. The homeless, the destitute. Not in this case. They were a very wealthy, very comfortable family. They lived on a lake. In a mansion. He had a great job.

They loved their country. (Austria)

They left everything behind to leave.

This last week our pastor talked about being a 'go' person for the Lord. Would you go wherever the Lord told you? Whether it be across the street to help a neighbor, or moving your family across the world - would you??

I think sometimes (most of the time) we say - but I have it so good. (We do you know...) I am heading up the ladder at work. I have a good job. I actually have a job - what would I do if we moved??? I like our house. It has a yard and a garage, I don't want to move to an apartment with all these kids... All my family live here. All my friends are here. I don't know anyone in ...(fill in blank).

The VonTrapps left so that they wouldn't have to compromise. No compromise.

Are you compromising? Am I? How far would we have to be pushed before we decided to take our family out of the country we love?? Where do we draw the line? What would it take before we say no more; I'm leaving to preserve what I can.

Now, I'm not saying I want to move out of the USA. I'm just saying these are thoughts that came to me after watching the film. I never really considered it with such realistic seriousness before. But, maybe we all should. Maybe we should all know exactly how far something needs to go before we either give in and compromise our health, or beliefs, or values or safety. We should probably know, so that when, or if, that line is crossed - we can take our family out. It could be a school. A workplace. A city. A country, or even a lifestyle.

The question is: would you, or could you go if you had to? Are you a 'go' person?

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