Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The List - Story of Us Part 3

Now, there is a certain amount of stigma that goes with hearing a girl made a list about what she wants in a husband. Sometimes eye rolling, a sigh of 'oh that kind of girl'... usually not a positive response to finding out a girl made a 'husband list'.

I was one of those list making girls. What is wrong with making a list???? I mean really
You make a 'list' when you buy a house: Three bedrooms, two bathrooms, two car garage, small yard, large yard, AC, close to town...
You make a 'list' when you buy a car: 4 wheel drive, leather seats, 5 passenger, large trunk, 6 CD changer, heated seats.... etc, etc.

So what, I ask, is so wrong about making a list of what you want in a husband?? You have the house and the car for just a small number of years. You are supposed to have a spouse - forever. And you aren't allowed to be specific about this??? Give me a break.

So the list.

I don't remember all of it. A couple of years ago while cleaning out our basement before construction began, I found my diaries - and THE LIST. I really enjoyed reading it. :) It is freaking amazing how many of them are 'answered', and the ones that aren't. I don't know where it is now, but I'll share a few I remember.
  • A couple inches taller than me.      This one sticks out the most to me right now because it was answered so literally, and yet... what was I thinking?? Patrick is exactly two inches taller than me. I listed this because in my teen thinking, thought, "well, I sure as heck don't want to be the 'tall' one, and anyone who is like, 6'4" would be hard to kiss". I figured we'd be kissing a lot, so this seemed inconvenient and uncomfortable. However, with him just 2" taller than me, I find I can't wear too many heels...... suddenly I feel very Katie Holmes.
  • Plays the piano.       He does! And well too. He plays piano like I sing. It's like this; when he plays (and he plays by ear people!) he plays really, really well. But when other people are around, suddenly he has music amnesia. I understand. I sing a LOT better when it is just us, then I go out in the world and sound like a sick wet cat trapped in a trashcan. I wanted him to be musically inclined. He really is. Patrick has a much better ear than I do when it comes to pitch, tune, and key. So I really like it when he says I'm a really good singer! ;)
  • He can sing.      Patrick can sing. He's no Michael Buble, or Josh Groban, but he can and does sing. And unless he's doing his 'goofy exaggerating' voice I enjoy listening to him. I like singing duets with him. I like that part of marriage.
  • Went to ORU.     This is by far the STUPIDEST thing to list. I had a fascination with the college and thought marrying a guy who went there sounded cool. What kind of crackhead thinks that?? The college is fine and all... but why didn't I list Yale or Harvard or something??? hahaha PS: Patrick did go there...
  • Is kind, gentle.      This sounds obvious, but I knew I'd need to marry a softie and not one of the 'ape' men out there who don't have a clue. I'm emotional and 'delicate' enough to know I needed someone like that for a life-long partner. I got it.
  • Romantic.       Patrick sure is. I don't want to make all the ladies out there jealous... so I'll only list one thing here: I got a great back rub or massage about every single night for the first two years of marriage. I still got them after that of course (still do) but not quite as often. He plans romantic things, and scores pretty big on gifts too. I'm a lucky, lucky girl.
  • Is from any state in the union except Texas.     Again... another dumb one. This one God has a sense of humor on. I'm sure you can guess why. Out of all of the states in the nation - Patrick is from Texas. Haha God, very funny. That's fine. At least he lost his accent before I met him.
  • Has that Southern gentleman-ness.      He does. Maybe being from TX helps that?? Maybe his Southern mama does? I don't know... but after some time spent with 'southern gents' at ORU one trip, I fell 'in love' with they way those boys were different. It then made the list. ;)
  • Has good fashion sense.      I love a guy that looks good. I'm sure all women do... but obviously there is a lack of definition on this out there....    Anyway.. Patrick does have a pretty decent sense of fashion. The biggest problem with this is the life/job he's had at any given time (required dress, etc.) and the huge lack of funds to buy the clothes we both really want. But, with those obstacles in play, he still generally looks pretty hot in his clothes.
  • Blue eyes, brown hair.      Well, he does have blue eyes, but the hair is barely brown. He used to be a blond kid. But the hair color just wasn't enough to keep me from marrying him! (wink) :)
  • And of course, be a lover of God.       He is. :) That is the most important one anyway. Everything else is just gravy.
The list had like... a ba-gillion things on it I'm sure. These are mostly the things I remember writing and reading about. What is amazing to me, is how God takes care of each of our little wants and hopes and desires. He doesn't have to be so specific with all the chaos going on in the world, but He cares just that much! And obviously even God has a sense of humor about it all. It makes me love Him just that much more!

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