Friday, February 5, 2010

How bored do you have to be.....?

Let me say this. My daughters consistently trash their room. ERRR!

You may remember me mentioning this before. It makes be go Ka-razy. They are young. But they are smart. They can hear me. They understand me. They physically CAN clean.

They choose not to.

So the day before yesterday, I gave them a one day warning. "Tomorrow" (which is now yesterday) "I am going to throw everything on the floor in the trash if it is not cleaned up."

They did not clean. Yesterday I threw 6 (six!)kitchen trash bags of stuff "away". (It is waiting to be unpacked at a time yet unspecified)

So this is my daughter yesterday at the lunch table. I am sitting nearby, and see her head bobbing and looking intently at something. Now mind you, her room is cleaned out. All they decided to keep was a couple little rubber princess dolls from Christmas, a princess puzzle and a drawing board.

Whatcha doing Vivianne?

"Watchin ice melt." She turns and looks at me. "If you wait long enough.... it disappears!"

and I say bored do you have to be to watch ice melt???

Please tell me she is just into science and it is not reflective of me running the most boring house on the planet! :)

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