So while I'm sitting here waiting for the ice dancers to come back on, I'll tell you about a dance I did myself this afternoon. It also could be considered an Olympic sport.
It is called: Try everything on in your closet to see if you still love it/ it fits.
Lately I feel like I have nothing to wear. Nothing. Everything is either too big, too small, not gonna work for nursing/ too sloppy.... yada yada yada...
So, since I don't have a couple hundred dollars to drop on a new wardrobe (I'm thrifty), I tried something else. I was reading a fashion mag this morning and came to an article about thinking outside the box clothes-wise, and repurposing your items. Soooo.... I tried on 80% of my clothes. If I didn't love it, feel confident or sexy in it - out it went. (The other 20% are my go-to faves.)
Of course it depends on your lifestyle and taste. I have this olive green loose baseball style shirt - not hot by any stretch of the imagination - but it makes me feel great. So it stayed. For others it may be considered a rag, but I like it for just hanging out around the house and not looking stupid.
I am not a good cleaner. My house is generally a mess. But I am a GREAT organizer. And it is definitely a major part of any closet. ....or should be.
So that is how I spent my Sunday. Trying on clothes. Sorting clothes. Purging clothes. Rehanging clothes in new categories that will make getting dressed that much easier. Time consuming, but feels so good!
Here's a cheat sheet I 'stole' from a celebrities closet: Organize by event. We all organize the closet by color - don't we? And I also break that down into short sleeve, long sleeve...etc. But within those ranges, also sort by event.(ie: nice enough for parties/dates, nice but also casual, exercise/chillin - for example.)
OOOO a new way to organize! I'm all about that girl! Thanks for the idea! XO!