Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Valentines x2

My dear husband had his birthday yesterday. Aww....

So this post celebrates the wonderful man I married. I like when his birthday falls. Around here, Valentine's Day is all about the woman.

I am totally okay with that, and enjoy the holiday thoroughly. (tee hee)

Then, just two days later it is his birthday. A little celebrating for me... a little for him... it works out soooo well!

And here's some of the things I love so much about him -

He knows when I'm stressed, mad, sad and trying so hard to hide it. He still knows.

He is kind

Tender (he wouldn't want this getting out, I'm sure, as TENDER is not so manly...)

He is sooo hot!

He is smart (has his doctorate)

Funny - but not always when he is trying!

Rugged - built me a deck - and a patio - and gardens...

Handy - built me an entire basement. Okay, he had help - but he has done A LOT of the basement. TONS of work.



My bestest ever friend!

The person I need to sleep next to for the next 90 years

My vacation dreamer/ planner/ co-traveler.

My babies' Daddy

The best daddy I could imagine.

(I don't want you ladies to get so jealous you stop reading my blog... so I'll leave it at that for now....) ;) But here's to a man that has made my life wonderful! I love you hun! Have GREAT next year of your life!!

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