Monday, February 22, 2010

It doesn't take rocket science...

Here's a tip for ya-

I don't know about you, but this is how a trip/vacation works: We pull into the driveway exhausted. Actually, we were probably all exhausted about 100 miles before we pulled into the driveway.

Somebody has to go to the bathroom so badly they are about to burst. And this person may actually be you. One or more people are probably hungry, another is tired or overtired.

The luggage is buried and all you want to do is throw the kids in bed and crawl under the covers of your own comfy bed. That is because it is now 11pm, even though you were sure you'd be home by 8pm at the latest.

You jump in bed. The next morning you realize you didn't brush your teeth last night, and you can't this morning because it is still in the freezing cold car, in your makeup bag, in your luggage, that is out in the garage.

So here is the brilliant idea it took me 30+ years to implement: don't pack your toothbrush. Or your toothpaste. Or your deodorant. Etc, and so forth.

Yes, we all have sample/travel sizes. But I always pack my own contact case and toothbrush. I don't know why. So this time for this current vacation, I packed a new toothbrush - new contact case - and double of everything crucial. I'm a genius right??? I know.... I can't believe it took me that long to figure that out.

Well... no more nasty I ate junk food all day in the car and haven't brushed my mouth for 24 hours breath for me! Plus, now, I can actually take my contacts out of my tired eyes before crashing in bed - without the pressure of unpacking 426 pounds of 'stuff' from the back of the minivan.

As far as this tip of valuable knowledge for your next trip goes - you're welcome.

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