Monday, January 18, 2010

How to lose weight - by yours truly

I had my last baby 8.5 months ago. I have generally always been trim without having to exercise. Never counted calories in my whole life. I mean, I see the calories listed. I'll glance and check them out once in awhile, but I have never counted them for a day or meal or anything like that.

I've exercised here and there. One time I kept it up for about two whole months!! Go me! But you should also know that out of the last 8+ years of marriage, I have spent about 90% of it pregnant or nursing a baby. Now we are done and I have found myself with an unexpected and unwanted 10 lbs. Unexpected, because in the past it has always....well... just disappeared.

Because I have always been trim, people I know laugh at me. Like, "You have to lose weight?!?!? Hahahahahahahaa" But I do. I appreciate their.....compliment???.... but I still don't like my stomach sticking out farther than my boobs. I want to be able to wear a swimsuit without looking pregnant.

The fact of the matter is though, I am too lazy to exercise or count calories. (And I am still nursing....) But the other day when I stepped on the scale I had an idea. As the digital scale was thinking about registering, I had a thought strike me.

Suck in!!!

I sucked. Sucked that tummy in as hard as I could. Now, mind you for the last four to five months that ten pounds hasn't moved. Well, once or twice I went up to twelve pounds overweight... but in general the ten pounds have stuck.

I was still sucking in as hard as I could.... and waa-laa! 1.5 pounds lighter. Woowoo!! From now on the diet and exercise are going out the window! I've found what works for me and I'm sticking to it! Suck it in baby, suck it in!


  1. AWESOME! very funny!!


  2. Be grateful you only have 10 lbs to lose. I have been pregnant or nursing for 90% of my marriage as well and I have 45 lbs to lose! :)

  3. Yeah, thankfully it is only ten pounds. But I completely know where you are coming from and I can say, "I get it!" All I have to say is, just because there are skinny arms and legs coming out of the body, does NOT mean there isn't poundage, flabbage, extra weight-age somewhere... ;) Ha!!
