Monday, January 4, 2010

Resolute Resolution

We all make resolutions at the new year, don't we? Okay, okay, maybe some of us are 'above' that.... but I'm not. And I have never learned my lesson. Each year I make more and more new resolutions.

Sometimes they are really dumb. Here is my current dumb one: I want to be nicer. To whom?? you may ask? My kids. I can yell pretty quickly when say... one of them draws on the other ones face with my Sharpie marker. But I don't like the sound of my voice like that. (Whoa - childhood flash-back there...)

Point is, I can't be nicer just by being resolute. I need to probably talk to God about it. And learn that yelling won't get the marker off the face any faster.

Today is the 4th. But oh well, I'm setting a new resolution today even if I did miss the "cut off" date. If you have been reading this blog for any amount of time, you will get the sense I have a love-hate relationship with my house. I love that we have a house, yada yada, yada. I hate that it is not running at top speed due to clutter. Ugh..

I realized this many times last year, but once again today I shout it from the top of the mountain. (or just from the post on this little blog)


There. I said it. Out loud. To someone other than my kids. I am dragging you along on my journey for less. Here's a profound thought: since we are finally done having kids, I can actually get rid of stuff that they outgrow!! Hallelujah!!

So here is my accomplishment for today: From the girls room I got rid of a sweater, two athletic jackets, a nightgown, and fleece pj's.

I know, I know... it's not much. But for today it will have to do. And it is a start. And you have to start somewhere. Right?

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